6 shot types
6 camera shots CANTED SHOT used to signal to the viewer that something is wrong, disorienting or unsettling. For example i have taken an image of a computer screen and insured that it was diagonal the angle used helps the audience feel unsure and disorientated on what is on the screen. PROS/CONS - PROS - it makes the audience feel like the scene feel enhance a disorienting or uneasy in the scene CONS - it can make the audience to feel disconnected and uneasy by simply making their shot uneven . MEDIUM SHOT allows filmmakers to focus on a whole scene while preserving important levels of detail. For example i have taken an image of a computer screen and insured that the focus of the shot is only the computer and not the surroundings this help the audience focus on the content to the screen. PROS AND CONS - PROS - it allows filmmakers to focus on a whole scene while preserving important levels of detail. CONS - Framing too wide or too close-up. Too much going on or too many sub...