5 camera angles

5 Camera angles

 CANTED ANGLE is used to cause a sense of unease, disorientated for the viewer. I made sure that the picture was took in an angle this is to connote that the audience would feel unease/confused it also makes the audience not sure what's going to happen next. 
PROS / CONS -  PROS - it makes the audience feel disoriented and unease when using this shot.
CONS - could make the audience be put of by this angle when used.

LOW ANGLE used to make an object look a lot taller, wider and bigger making it dominant to the audience. As you can see I made sure that the picture was in the low angle and as you can see, I look a lot bigger and dominant than usual, it also makes the audience believe that whoever is presented in this angle has a lot of power/dominance. 
PROS/CONS - PROS- it makes the audience know about the person/objects power/dominance. 
CONS - can make it look like the person/object is vulnerable or lonely and can also show distort in the face.

STRAIGHT ANGLE - for photography a straight angle refers to photography that attempts to depict a scene or subject in sharp focus and detail, in accordance with the qualities that distinguish photography from visual media. It is a simple photography and it is the most familiar perspective, this makes this photo have a neutral effect to the audience as it does not impact to any effect when it comes to photography meaning that the audience should feel that the angle has no impact compared to the other angles. As you can see with my attempt on this angle I made the object (myself) look neutral and the camera angle has no effect to the audience (feels neutral/normal) and with the camera angle you can also see the setting in which the photo was taken which was the media studio.
PROS/CONS - it can make your subject have a sense of grandeur and can make it jump out a picture in a photo. It also gives a more natural look in a photo which might be intended if the photographer wants that type of effect.
CONS - in some cases having a straight angle can have a boring effect on a photo meaning that it is not as eye-catching compared to other angles in photography. It also doesn't give any other effect on a photo making an image look quite bland/it gives no enigma code to the audience.

EXTREME HIGH ANGLE/BIRDS EYE VIEW ANGLE - used to make an object seem weak and small, as if we are looking down at them meaning that it gives the audience the sense of power over the object in the photograph, also with the use of this camera angle it make the audience be able to see the setting in which the photo was took this is because the camera is usually quite far away from the object meaning that you can see its surrounding. As you can see with my attempt of the angle I made the object (myself) look a lot smaller than usual making it look weaker and with the camera shot you can see the setting in which the photo was took (the media studio).
PROS and CONS - PROS - with the camera shot it gives the sense of power to the audience and also it is very helpful to make the audience understand the setting in which the photo was taken.
CONS - it could make the subject feel isolated to the audience as they are far away meaning that it could make the audience feel separated to the subject and usually with the camera angle you can't see the objects face meaning that you don't know as an audience how the object is feeling/his expression on his face.

EXTREME LOW ANGLE/WORMS EYE VIEW ANGLE - used to make the object of a photo look a lot bigger and dominant as the audience kind of has to look up at the object, to the audience as you can see with the photo I took of myself I look a lot more dominant than all of the other angles from before I have done this by putting my mobile phone on the floor and by taking a photo in the end, I am presented to be dominant and powerful.
PROS and CONS - PROS - shows a completely new perspective of an object to the audience showing it to look dominant over the audience this makes the photo look a lot more intriguing to the audience. 
CONS -  it can give the impression to the audience that the object is really big which might be misleading also with the angle you can't see any sort of expression to the audience meaning that it might not give enough information to the audience what the object is doing. 


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