photos that have been digitally manipulated

3 images that have been digitally manipulated

changing what an image looks like and it allows photographers to modify and improve photographs in they way how they want to.
PROS and CONS - PROS - you can change what an image looks like and it will improve the photo.
CONS - it is technology dependent as if it is to old the quality of the image might not be good.

 this is my first photo of myself using digital manipulation as you can see i have added some effects to my picture, as you can see i have added Ronaldo onto my photo this is so it makes my photo have celebrity endorsement meaning that more people would like my photo and also with the photo i have added shadow on to my photo this gives more of a spooky genre to my photo and finally i have made my photo look cold this changes the kelvin light scale and overall it makes my photo look a lot more mysterious. 

this is my second photo that i have digitally manipulated and as you can see i have changed the photo a lot this is by adding the rock on the bottom left of my photo in the bottom right and also by adding a rocket ship on the top left this makes my photo be a lot more interesting and eye catching to the audience also in this photo i have added a lot of shadow this is because it makes a switch up from a normal beach is its usually bright so this could leave an enigma code to the viewer

this is my final picture of myself using digital manipulation as you can see i changed a normal photo of me and my friend to one that is a lot more eye catching this is by adding a lot of light on to my photo to make it a lot more brighter and also by making the picture have some fancy colours on this was done to change the photo completely this is because instead of having a normal boring photo i have now changed it to be in the way how i want to and it makes the photo a lot more visually pleasing.
overall the use of digitally manipulating makes a photo a lot more visually pleasing as the photo looks a lot more entertaining to how the photo was originally took and it could be done in many ways for example with adding something onto the photo changing the brightness, by adding shadow and a lot more.


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