3 images of triptych

3 images contract a triptych 
triptych is three related photographs that are put out together.

PROS and CONS - PROS - using triptych can allow the opportunity to display more than a single frame as a finished piece meaning it would allow you to enable a story with the use of a few photos and it reveals different sides to the object/subject.
CONS - there are not really any negatives however a lot of photos don't need triptych so it might be used a lot.

here is my first photo of using triptych and as you can see that with the first photo it basically the setting of my story as this photo allows the audience to know what im doing and where the setting is. I have also used a mid long shot this is to help enable the audience to know the mise-en-scene around the first photo.

 this is my second photo for the triptych and as you can see, in the photo i am doing my action and in this case i am trying to swing my rope like a cowboy this is done as for the triptych the use is to use 3 photo to make a story so i made sure that in the first two photo i allowed the audience to know the setting and what i am doing.

 as you can for my final photo for triptych i allowed my audience to see the ending of my triptych and as you can see the final photo was me completing my swing with the rope and catching my friend. As you can see with the use of the triptych the photos were in chronological order meaning that it was easy for the audience to see and also the photo had some sort of similarity so it wasn't that difficult to the audience to forget what the triptych was about.


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