3 images of various shutter speeds
various shutter speed
the way on how to change the shutter speed on a dlsr camera is by selecting shutter priority mode on the camera dial then scroll through on how long you want the shutter for then take the photo.
PROS and CONS - PROS - it lets you freeze time meaning that you can take one photo to last 15 seconds for example, this can make an image look a lot more interesting on how it was supposed to be if the shutter speed wasn't changed.
CONS - the problems that can accrue when using shutter speed in photos is the facts that sometimes you will get unwanted motion blur on your photo and that it is due to camera shake and also it is the fact that using shutter speed with cameras is hard to use so you will find it difficult in the beginning on how to get the correct shot with the use of shutter speed.
with this photo you can see that I have changed a normal photo of me standing up to a photo that is interesting, I have done this by standing up and then pointing at the camera and as the shutter of the photo was 15 second it meant that the camera was able to show all of the movement overall in this photo I feel like the use of the shutter speed has made my photo a lot more interesting to the audience.
here you can see that i have tried making a shot with the use of shutter speed interesting this is done by making my friend james stand on a chair and have his phone on flash and try making it seem like i was trying to jump to get the light. Because of the shutter speed instead of getting a photo of myself mid jump, you can see me jumping from the beginning to the end with the blur. I did this by making the shutter speed 5 seconds long and just jumping up and down overall i think this made my photo look a lot better and eye catching to the audience.
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