3 photos taken at night

3 photo taken at night
night photo is taking photo during the night when it is dark to get a different meaning of a photo.

PROS and CONS - PROS - you can make some amazing effects that are impossible during the day and the street light are really effective at the night 
CONS - without the right lighting the photo can be bad and the photo can be blurry easily.

as you can see from the photo as i took it in the night time the only thing that is visible is the sky, this makes the photo have an enigma code as to why the viewer cant see my face. Also the photo was took in a low angle of myself which also makes myself look more dominant and the fact that the viewer cant see my face puts an enigma code to what expression i have and what is the setting of the photo.

this is another photo of myself at night time this is taken as an over the head shot which makes the viewer no to where i am walking. As you can see except from that light in front everywhere else is pitch black which puts an enigma code to where i am walking with the photo taken at night it makes the photo have a horror genre to the photo as the colour black can symbolise to be mystery. 

 as you can see with this final photo of myself at night you can see that all of the photo have an enigma code behind it as when the photos are taken at night they are dark which makes the enigma code as darkness could symbolise mystery in photography. In this photo i have taken i photo of my face in a low angle shot which shows the sky and the street light overall this photo has a bit of an ominous feeling towards it because of the fact that i took it at night which makes the photo have a mystery behind it.

as you can see from the natural lighting and the night photo the use of light changes the perspective of a photo immediately because of the use of pathetic fallacy. 


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