focal length/focus

Focal length/focus

the distance from where the point where the light meets the lens of the camera sensor / the distance from the object of the object of a phone to the camera 
PROS AND CONS - you can get different views of an object making the photo more interesting and it can change the perspective of a photo and you can see the setting of the photo.
CONS- this can make it complicated for some photos as a big object could be seen as a small one and a small object can be seen to be a big one (if not meant to could be bad) 

for the settings of the camera to take a shot close up I would take a close shot whilst also zooming the lens to make the object look bigger and to make and to make the object look smaller I would do an extreme long shot whilst zooming out the camera lens. 

this is the first photo of myself using focal length and focus in my photo as you can see i have used an extreme long shot whilst also changing the lens by zooming out. This make it so the object my friends James looks really small whilst also allowing the viewers to see the setting of the photo. This makes the image have a effects to the viewer as it could symbolise to the audience that the object is small and weak.

 in this photo as you can see, i took the exact same photo as the one before however the two photos have a complete contrast. This could be shown as i took a close up shot of James whilst also zooming into the lens this makes it so the audience can get a close up one James. Also the use of the focal lens changes the perspective of the photo as the close up makes James look more bigger and intimidating. And the final contrast between the two focal length focus photos is that you cant see the surrounding of the photo meaning that you dont know the setting of the photo.

As you can see the use of the focal length focus is important to what you want your viewers to see a different perspective as an example with the close shot it makes the object look more powerful and the long shot makes the object look weak/vulnerable. 


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