rule of thirds

Rule of thirds
 rule of thirds is a type of off-centre composition composition where the important elements of a photograph are placed a long a 3x3 grid which is equally divided 

PROS and CONS - PROS - it helps guide the viewer when you follow the rule of thirds you guide the viewer eyes through you photo and it can make the photo look more visually pleasing.
CONS - it can be used for a small amount of photo and it can be forced making the picture visually unpleasing.

this is my first use of using the rule of thirds, as you can see I took the a long shot of some railway with the moon/sky in the background as you can see with the use of the rule of thirds i was enable to show the viewer easily the separation between the railway and the sky also you can also see with this photo that the middle of this photo is of the moon making it a main focus of the photo and as you can see with the two wide squares from the rule of thirds frame you can see that it also separates the trees overall the rule of thirds frame made it easy for the audience to look at the photo one bit at a time.

with this photo as you can see i have also used the rule of thirds this separates the floor to the sky however as you can see with this photo i am on the left side, with the use of the rule of thirds grid it makes it very easy for the viewer to see where i am positioned (the left side) it also makes it easy to separate everything in the photo making it easy for the viewer to look at the photo.

 this is my final example of me using the rule of thirds grid in my photos as you can see with this photo the grid simplifies the photo in many ways for example with this photo you can see that the grid shows the separations between the sand the tree and the sky making it easy for the viewer to look at the photo also it makes it easy for the viewer to know what to look at and what the main focal point is of the photo.
overall with the use of the rule of thirds you can see that there is a common feature of the fact that each photo is takes in a long shot.


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