
focal length/focus

Focal length/focus the distance from where the point where the light meets the lens of the camera sensor / the distance from the object of the object of a phone to the camera  PROS AND CONS - you can get different views of an object making the photo more interesting and it can change the perspective of a photo and you can see the setting of the photo. CONS- this can make it complicated for some photos as a big object could be seen as a small one and a small object can be seen to be a big one (if not meant to could be bad)  for the settings of the camera to take a shot close up I would take a close shot whilst also zooming the lens to make the object look bigger and to make and to make the object look smaller I would do an extreme long shot whilst zooming out the camera lens.  this is the first photo of myself using focal length and focus in my photo as you can see i have used an extreme long shot whilst also changing the lens by zooming out. This make it so the objec...

3 pictures of an event

  this is my second image of an event and as you can see i took a photo of the Eiffel Tower in France as you can see i took a snails eye view shot of the photo this is because in the photo it looks like to the viewer that we are looking straight up at it making the tower look even bigger than it does and this creates the expression that the viewer of the audience is weak and powerless.  PROS and CONS - PROS - this is a clear image of the photo of the Eiffel Tower and this photo easily expresses the dominance of the building and it shows the weakness of the viewer also the use of the natural lighting makes the tower stand out. CONS - the photo is a bit bland as the only subject in the photo is the tower this could make the photo not be that entertaining and with the lack of brightness/shadow it could make the image a bit boring. this is my third picture of an event that i was in and this was in my prom photo as you can see this is taken as a long shot with myself and 3 of my fr...

photos that have been digitally manipulated

3 images that have been digitally manipulated changing what an image looks like and it allows photographers to modify and improve photographs in they way how they want to. PROS and CONS - PROS - you can change what an image looks like and it will improve the photo. CONS - it is technology dependent as if it is to old the quality of the image might not be good.  this is my first photo of myself using digital manipulation as you can see i have added some effects to my picture, as you can see i have added Ronaldo onto my photo this is so it makes my photo have celebrity endorsement meaning that more people would like my photo and also with the photo i have added shadow on to my photo this gives more of a spooky genre to my photo and finally i have made my photo look cold this changes the kelvin light scale and overall it makes my photo look a lot more mysterious.  this is my second photo that i have digitally manipulated and as you can see i have changed the photo a lot this is b...

3 photos taken at night

3 photo taken at night night photo is taking photo during the night when it is dark to get a different meaning of a photo. PROS and CONS - PROS - you can make some amazing effects that are impossible during the day and the street light are really effective at the night  CONS - without the right lighting the photo can be bad and the photo can be blurry easily. as you can see from the photo as i took it in the night time the only thing that is visible is the sky, this makes the photo have an enigma code as to why the viewer cant see my face. Also the photo was took in a low angle of myself which also makes myself look more dominant and the fact that the viewer cant see my face puts an enigma code to what expression i have and what is the setting of the photo. this is another photo of myself at night time this is taken as an over the head shot which makes the viewer no to where i am walking. As you can see except from that light in front everywhere else is pitch black which puts an en...

3 photos of natural lighting

Natural lighting natural light in photography refers to the process of taking photographs using available light from the sun or moon as the main light source. PROS AND CONS - PROS - it is free meaning that everyone can use it and also it offers you a big variety of change with the lighting due to the type of day. CONS - it is up to the weather if you can get a good shot with natural lighting for example if its cloudy it is really hard to use natural lighting.    in this photo natural lighting is shown with the sunset this is because of the contrast between the clouds and the sun as this photo was taken with an extreme long shot this is because of the contrast between the darkness of the clouds and the brightness of the sun this makes the photo a lot more entertaining for the audience and overall makes it a lot more visually pleasing to look at and its all done with natural lighting also, as the sun is the brightest object on the photo it makes it the main focal point of the im...

rule of thirds

Rule of thirds   rule of thirds is a type of off-centre composition composition where the important elements of a photograph are placed a long a 3x3 grid which is equally divided  PROS and CONS - PROS - it helps guide the viewer when you follow the rule of thirds you guide the viewer eyes through you photo and it can make the photo look more visually pleasing. CONS - it can be used for a small amount of photo and it can be forced making the picture visually unpleasing. this is my first use of using the rule of thirds, as you can see I took the a long shot of some railway with the moon/sky in the background as you can see with the use of the rule of thirds i was enable to show the viewer easily the separation between the railway and the sky also you can also see with this photo that the middle of this photo is of the moon making it a main focus of the photo and as you can see with the two wide squares from the rule of thirds frame you can see that it also separates the trees ov...

image that show anchorage

2 images that show anchorage. anchorage refers to the process by a specific meaning is assigned to an image or text helping to clarify the interpretation. PROS and CONS - PROS - anchorage can help construct meaning and position the the audiences interpretation of an image towards preferred reading.   CONS - there are not really any negatives however for the audience it could be really misleading meaning that the audience can get a total different perspective on a photo because of anchorage. 1 - top student Gem Kabashi dies at Sir John Lawes school, how did he die  with this text i made sure that i added an rhetorical question this is so it leaves an enigma code to the audience this is so it makes the audience want to know what happened and it leaves a boring picture of me in the table to a more exiting photo that has a question with no answer to it.  2 - the president Donald Trump seems unconsious on a table ... what happened.